Iffah Suraya Jasni, M.Couns.

I’m a remote counselor and a former lecturer at Perdana University. While completing my BA in Psychology at Boston University, I volunteered at its Social Adjustment and Bullying Prevention Laboratory.
In my counseling, I help clients see how their sense of self (self-esteem) has been affected by toxic shame, criticism, rejection, and even bullying, while also emphasizing the active practicing of coping skills.
My own experiences with social anxiety involved me distancing myself from people I wanted to connect with (regrets, oh regrets). I believe and hope that Deeper Conversations will touch people more effectively than most other content lying at the intersection of social anxiety, connection, and loneliness.
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Boston University
Master of Professional Counseling, University of Malaya
Certified Mental Health Responder by Mental Health Management Australia
Academic publications
Iffah Suraya Binti Jasni, & Philus George Thomas. (2023). Gaps and Recommendations for Mental Health Help-Seeking among Youths: A Narrative Review. Perdana International Journal of Health Sciences, 1(1), 19–37.