How to end an online conversation politely

Does anyone still remember MSN? The clunky but popular messaging app that kids were crazy about 16 years ago?  As far as I could remember, that was the start of online conversations.  Fast forward to …

Does anyone still remember MSN?

The clunky but popular messaging app that kids were crazy about 16 years ago? 

Credit: TechSpot

As far as I could remember, that was the start of online conversations. 

Fast forward to today, we have too many text messaging apps on our phones… and for some folks, it’s more common to text than to call.

Given how prevalent online communication is, here are a few ideas to end virtual or texting conversations politely:  

It’s not rude to stop responding 

Because online conversations are usually asynchronous, most people are OK with you responding sometime later. 

Of course, leaving them on “read” could potentially make them feel ignored — try not to click on their message if possible. If you do, it’s always helpful to set clear expectations: 

Set expectations upfront 

A small minority of folks will want to know when you will reply. That’s especially true if you’re in the middle of a discussion, or if you’re dating online where response time signals interest

You can simply say “I will reply later” and explain the reason why, for example you’re going into a meeting and won’t be checking your phone. Other ways to set expectations include:

  • If you want to be precise: “I will reply later at [specific day and time]” 
  • If you need to be brief: “I will reply with more details later”
  • If you’re not sure when you will reply: “Will reply when I can!” 

Suggest talking in person instead 

While I love the written word, it’s not the ideal medium of communication in serious discussions e.g. conflicts for two reasons: a) lack of nonverbal cues b) you probably end up with long walls of text, which makes for messy communication.

If the conversation doesn’t seem to be productive, ask them if they would like to talk it out in person or over the phone.  

Phrases to end an online chat politely and casually

Online communication is casual — a quick bye would do. Or, you could use abbreviations like: 

  • Bye → bb
  • Got to go → gtg
  • Talk to you later → ttyl

If you prefer to be more formal, check out these other phrases

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