25 questions to cultivate kindness towards yourself and others

In a world that worships accomplishments and success, kindness can sometimes be seen as less important… or even unnecessary.  But kindness is how we truly connect with each other, and how we live a meaningful …

In a world that worships accomplishments and success, kindness can sometimes be seen as less important… or even unnecessary. 

But kindness is how we truly connect with each other, and how we live a meaningful life. As Joseph B. Wirthlin wrote: 

“Kindness is a passport that opens doors and fashions friends. It softens hearts and molds relationships that can last lifetimes.” 

Here’s a list of questions to help you nurture kindness within yourself and between each other: 

Kindness towards yourself 

  1. How do you define kindness? 
  2. How have you been unkind to yourself?
  3. In which area of your life do you struggle to be kind to yourself? 
  4. How would you like to be kinder to yourself?
  5. Why is it easier to be kind to others but not to ourselves? 
  6. How do you talk to yourself? Is that different from talking to someone you love? If so, how?  

Kindness towards others 

  1. What’s something kind you’ve done for someone recently? 
  2. What’s something kind others have done for you recently? 
  3. What’s something kind that you’d like to do today? 
  4. Who’s the kindest person you’ve met? 
  5. Who do you struggle to be kind towards? 
  6. How does being kind to yourself help you be kind to others? 
  7. How have you been unkind to others? How can you become kinder? 
  8. When shouldn’t you be kind to others and why?
  9. Do you ever give to charity? Why or why not?

Moral questions about kindness

  1. Can you ever be too kind?
  2. When is being kind the wrong thing to do? 
  3. What’s the difference between being kind and being nice? 
  4. Is it more important to be kind to one person, or to be kind to many people?
  5. Is it more important to be kind to your family or to your community? 
  6. If people don’t appreciate your kindness, would you still be kind? 
  7. Can you ever calculate kindness in terms of dollars? 
  8. Would you rather be kind or be right? 
  9. Would you rather be kind or be rich? 
  10. Would you rather run a kind or profitable company? 

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