There’s been a lot of uproar about how Barbie is a feminist movie.
But very few people picked up on the fact that it’s also a movie about mental health, specifically our social anxiety around “not good enough”. Just take a look at the following quotes…
- “I Am Kenough” – Ken
- “I’m not good enough for anything” – Barbie
- “You are so beautiful and so smart and it kills me that you don’t think you’re good enough” – Gloria
Iffah Suraya Jasni, M.Couns., shared the following tips she picked up from the movie:
Accept your imperfections
Ken’s line, “I’m Kenough”, makes the theme of self-acceptance apparent. But as we all know, self-acceptance is easier said than done.
Iffah identified the immense pressure of perfectionism that Ken and especially Barbie faced:
“Notice how the first song, Pink, said “Beautiful from head to toe”. Barbie has to be perfect.”
👉 Recommended article: Research: Social anxiety increases perfectionism. Why that can be a problem.
Barbie and Ken came to accept themselves by going on a journey of self-discovery, which leads to Iffah’s next point:
Change your reality with new experiences
Iffah noted that the movie was all about “adventure and discovery for Ken and Barbie”.
By traveling from Barbie World to the real world, they expanded their sense of identity, rather than getting stuck in roles they don’t want to play.
Iffah also added how traveling can help you see yourself differently. When you’re in an unfamiliar environment, you have a unique opportunity to redefine who you are.
“[Not feeling good enough] might feel that way in your reality. But traveling can change your reality”
Now, if traveling isn’t on your cards anytime soon, here’s what she recommends: simply being open to new experiences as they come up.
As Alain de Botton wrote in The Art of Travel:
"What, then, is a traveling mind-set? Receptivity might be said to be its chief characteristic. Receptive, we approach new places with humility. We carry with us no rigid ideas about what is or is not interesting."
Find a supportive friend
According to research, social support from family and friends is a key element of mental health recovery.
In the case of the movie, Iffah points out how Weird Barbie was a friend that many would need.

While she pushed for Barbie to venture into the real world, she did it in a way that was encouraging and empowering. One of her many powerful lines was “Takes two to open a portal”.
Related article: 4 simple self-care tips when you’re socially anxious
Barbie-inspired reflection questions
Finally, Iffah suggested a few Qs to help you discover who you are, just like Barbie did:
- What journey did you undertake to become who you are today?
- What were you uncomfortable with, but you did it anyway because you cherished it?
- Who do you think you really are and why?
- What new journey would you like to undertake?
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