How to end a conversation with someone you like

You feel the chemistry sweeping through your veins… Yes, this is someone I want to spend more time with. As the conversation comes to an end, you’re wondering what you should say to leave the …

You feel the chemistry sweeping through your veins…

Yes, this is someone I want to spend more time with.

As the conversation comes to an end, you’re wondering what you should say to leave the best impression possible. 

Here are a few strategies to end the conversation on a high note:

Let them know that you enjoyed talking 

Express your appreciation before you say your goodbyes. Research shows that gratitude makes your romantic relationships and also friendships stronger. Use one of the following phrases:

  • I really enjoyed our conversation.
  • I enjoyed your company. 
  • This has been fun! 
  • We should meet up more often.

Tell them what you like about the conversation 

You could also get specific about what you appreciate. Recall what you discussed in the conversation and highlight your favorite moment or insight. For example:

  • I really resonate with your point on…
  • I love what you said about… because…
  • I appreciate how you think about… because…  

Confess your attraction directly 

Telling someone that you’re into them can be scary. What if they don’t like you back? But here’s the surprising benefit of expressing your liking… 

It can very well lead to them feeling more attracted to you. In psychology, this is known as reciprocal liking, and the effect is stronger when the other person clearly knows that you like them.

Because a confession can feel risky, keep your words as simple as possible to make it less stressful. You could be direct by saying “I like you”, or you could be more subtle by saying “I’d love to spend more time with you”. 

Ask a memorable question 

To get them to remember you, ask a fun or interesting question at the end of the conversation. They will likely think about it after the chat too. Here are my lists of questions, organized by topic.

You don’t necessarily need them to answer it on the spot. Say: “I will leave you with a question to reflect on…” 

Give them a fistbump or hug 

Physical touching — sexual and non-sexual — can lead to you feeling closer to each other. The caveat? Not everyone is comfortable with physical intimacy, and to make this complicated, we all have different boundaries and expectations around when touching is OK or not.

Before initiating physical affection, here’s what you should do:

  • Ask yourself if the conversation is going well from their perspective. Did they seem engaged if not excited? Were they laughing? These are signs that Stanford researchers identified in couples who clicked with each other.
  • Ask for consent before touching them: “Can I hug/kiss you?” If they say no, don’t ask again — respect their boundaries. And if you want to be extra safe, go for a friendly fistbump or shoulder tap instead. 

Get their number if you haven’t already 

This applies to people you just met. Don’t lose the connection and end up as a “Missed Connections” tragedy! 

Before asking for their number, confirm their interest first. This helps you gauge your odds of success upfront. Say something like: 

  • Would you like to meet/chat again?  
  • I’d like to meet/chat again. 
  • I’d like to get to know you more.

Be mindful of overthinking things

Thinking too much about what to say can lead to anxiety. There’s nothing wrong with just ending the chat on a cordial note! Here are a few phrases that could help:  

12 simple phrases to end a conversation politely

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